Gel Stain
Gel stain is a type of wood stain where you wipe on layers of the wood finish so that it creates a gorgeous, natural wood stain look. Beautiful, protective, easy to apply - gel stain is really popular right now for interior wood staining projects and rightfully so. Read on to find the right gel stain for your next interior wood stain project.

Gel Stain

Gel Stain
Learn About Our Gel Stain
Gel Stain
Olympic Gel Stain is ideal for use on unfinished interior or exterior wood surfaces. This rich, thick stain applies with ease, without drips making it perfect for staining vertical surfaces. May also be used on composite*, fiberglass and primed steel doors. Not recommended for use on decking.
Slow flowing gel stain formulated for staining interior or exterior vertical surfaces
Ultra-smooth application makes this interior gel stain ideal for staining bare and stripped wood
Available in 3 curated ready mix gel stain colors
Ultra-fine pigments deliver rich, even gel stain color
Gel stain formula is thick and less likely to spatter or run down a vertical surface making it ideal for doors and cabinets
This gel stain can be applied to bare or stripped wood, metal, fiberglass and composite wood surfaces
Protect your gel stain project with appropriate Olympic interior clear coat
*Staining composite may void the manufacturer's warranty