Q: How can I power wash my deck without damaging it?
A: Power washing a deck is one way to help prep your deck for a fresh new coat of wood stain, or get it ready for your next event. However there's more to it than just turning on the compressor and spraying. To make sure you don't damage your deck, follow this step-by-step power washing guide.
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Power Washing Step 1
Apply A Quality Deck Cleaner
Use a cleaner that is actually designed for decks, such as our Olympic Premium Deck Cleaner, and apply it to all of the surfaces you will be power washing. Make sure to follow all of the instructions listed on the package to get the best possible results.
Following up Olympic Premium Deck Cleaner with the strength of a power washer is a great way to ensure you get as clean a deck surface as possible.
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Power Washing Step 2
Select The Right Tip
It is extremely easy to damage your wood deck if you power wash it with the incorrect tip. Always use a fan-style or brush-like power washing tip when cleaning a wooden deck surface for a wood staining project.
Never use a jet-style tip to clean your deck. You can ruin your wood and leave path-like marks circling each board if you attempt to clean it using a jet-style tip.
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Power Washing Step 3
Choose The Right Pressure
Set your power washer at a low to medium setting when cleaning a deck to make sure you do not damage your wood.
One of the most important things to remember is that if you use the high pressure setting for the power washer you may damage your wood and leave marks that cannot be covered up by a wood stain.
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Power Washing Step 4
Give Your Deck Some Space
Never spray your deck with the power washer tip right near the wood. Power washing can permanently damage the wood by imprinting lines and marks when a sprayer is held too close to the surface. Instead give the deck some space and pull back a bit to allow for an even application.
When you begin spraying your power washer, work in a moderately paced, side-to-side motion so that all surfaces are cleaned evenly and there are no lines left behind.
For questions about next steps, get answers with these wood staining articles.
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